Gnostic Association of Anthropological Study

A science with a heart
GNOSIS: Universal Knowledge
The Gnosis, the Greek gnosis, means "Universal Knowledge". At the root of all eras and civilizations (Egyptian, Hindu, Mayan, Aztec, Greek ...) and all mystic religions (Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, etc ...), is the transcendent Knowledge transmitted unchanged through the centuries by the work of remarkable beings, aware and inspired for the good of humanity.
The foundation of all human existence is the pursuit of happiness. This is why Gnosis "millennium and timeless wisdom", but still present, now gives us practical tools to liberate our consciousness of its complicated beliefs and psychological sufferings; and to awaken our latent potentials, our virtues and faculties so that we can achieve happiness and unity of the real Being.
In the past, this teaching was disclosed in secret, through symbols and archetypes in mythology, in schools of Kabbalists mysteries, alchemy, Rose Croix, theosophical etc.. But in our contemporary world, the philosopher, scientist and great Humanist Samael Aun WEOR, Master of the "Greater Mysteries" delivers the synthesis of the overall Knowledge of the centuries, in a simple and practical way, so that everyone accesses the integration of "Truth" for his well-being.
(Know the Truth and it will set you free! AD)
© 2012 A.G.É.A.